Calling all green space Friends and community groups and supporting organisations. A message from our friends at NFPGS.
We’re happy to announce four dates in the series of greenspace Community Empowerment regional conferences around England this summer and autumn. Join us at these important events, organised to promote and encourage greater community empowerment in our public green spaces.
These events will help develop new and stronger grassroots networks. Importantly, they will feed back into national policies and practices through the Parks Action Group (PAG), the national liaison body between the greenspace sector and Government. The events are being organised by the NFPGS, Locality and Groundwork, and funded by the PAG.
The aim will be to help amplify and promote greenspace community groups’ voices and experiences on a range of key practical issues like organising projects, fundraising, campaigning, promotion and social media, and working with greenspace managers and Councils. Ideally, we recommend that a couple of people per group attend, so that you can benefit from every workshop. Those supporting such groups (Councils, national greenspace charities etc) are also invited to send a representative. We will also celebrate community efforts in making a real difference to our green spaces!
Last but not least, whether you are attending or not, please can someone from every community group fill in this simple on-line Community Empowerment Survey – We’ve had a brilliant response so far. This survey is also feeding back into the events and our wider research for the PAG and the results will be shared with you all.
We look forward to meeting you there.
Kind regards,
Dave Morris
Chair, NFPGS
Michelle Furtado
Networks Coordinator, NFPGS
Note 1: Entry is free. Please book early as places are limited. The aim is for 75% of the places to go to reps of greenspace Friends and community groups, and 25% to reps from organisations actively supporting such groups. We would like a diverse attendance so please let your members know we welcome people of all ages, ethnicity, class, gender, abilities and interests!
Note 2: For more information contact, or regarding the NFPGS visit Regarding forming and strengthening Friends Groups visit: Regarding community groups generally visit: