Parks are highly valued by all those who use them, with over half of the UK population using their local park, yet the challenge of managing them is given a low priority.
Local authorities, voluntary groups and contractors have done an excellent job of offsetting budget reductions by working inventively and collaboratively but this has disguised the depth of the current crisis.
We want to ensure a workforce that is able to lead and innovate in the face of challenges from poor public health and climate change – as well as contributing to the UK’s wealth.
Parks and open spaces are a cost effective means of maintaining physical and psychological wellbeing. They play a role in tackling problems of public health, including obesity.
Featured Parks
Showcasing some of the UK most amazing parks
The Alliance works to:
Our objectives
The Parks Alliance is the voice of UK parks, representing the people and organisations that create, maintain, invest in and use the public green spaces that we are proud to have at the heart of British life. We campaign at local, regional, UK and EU levels to ensure that parks are properly funded, their roles recognized and developed, and that the benefits that they provide are clearly understood and recognized.
We are a not-for profit body working for the public benefit. We seek to build a secure future for parks and green spaces. We work to:
- Promote the issues and developments to enable parks and open spaces and the people who use them to thrive
- Understand and share best practice in the management and care of parks and open spaces within the sector and more widely.

News and Views
Keep up to date with the latest parks news, reports, developments and more.

October Newsletter from The Parks Alliance

The Parks Alliance and Landscape Institute unite to create a stronger voice for parks

Delivering a Greener Recovery – Parks and Green Spaces Have a Key Role to Play

Parks Alliance Special Business Case Newsletter June 2020

The Parks Alliance publishes ‘Making Parks Count – The case for parks’

A Statement from the Chair of World Urban Parks
People with children under 10 who visit parks once a month in the UK.
8 in 10Children in England who visit local urban parks in an average month.
4.9mYearly health cost savings if everyone had access to green space.