The Parks Alliance held its first Conference in Birmingham on 8 May 2014. The event was hosted by Birmingham City Council in the wonderful new Library complex. There was a strong turnout, with delegates from across the country.
The conference was an opportunity for the transitional Board to update delegates on the progress it has made in moving towards getting incorporated, fundraising and developing a united voice for the sector. The presentations included contributions from National Parks, Green Space Scotland, and Britain Tidy Group – and provoked good debate on how the Alliance should position itself with Government.
In the afternoon session, we learnt more about how some park managers are engaging with business to fund activities in their parks. Another group looked at priorities for the Alliance and how we meet the needs of members.
Throughout the day, delegates contributed to a Pledge Tree, offering time, professional support and donations to the Alliance.
Details of the Alliance’s next event – a debate on the State of the UK’s Parks at SALTEX in September – were distributed.
The transition Board was delighted with the constructive feedback and support from delegates and will seek to use this, when meeting the Minister with responsibility for Parks.