The evidence base provides key research documents that support the economic, environmental and social arguments in support of investing in parks.
Parks Research
There have been many surveys and report on parks in the UK over the years analysing their benefits and their current state. Here you will find a collection of the most comprehensive that provide a solid evidence base that parks matter.
Parks and Local Economic Development
Parks are good for the local economy. They encourage inward investment into cities and increase the footfall in town centres. They raise the value of property in close proximity. They are also a source of jobs and services. Here is some of the evidence that will help you understand the economic value of your parks and green spaces.
Parks and the Environment
Parks are good for the local environment and help tackle climate change. They can provide natural services that reduce temperatures, absorb pollution, capture carbon and manage flood risk. Here is some of the evidence supporting the contribution of parks to tackling climate change and protecting the environment.
Parks and Health
Parks boost the health of people who use them and live around them. They provide opportunities for physical recreation and are proven to help people tackle mental illness. By boosting the health and well-being of local communities parks help reduce the costs of public health. Here is some of the evidence that will help you understand the contribution of parks and green spaces to improving health and well being.
Parks and Communities
Parks are most peoples favourite public places. They provide places where people come together and meet their neighbours strengthening communities. Here is some of the evidence that will help you understand how parks do this and how you can help.
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